Bespoke Microsoft Teams approach: To create a vibrant and celebratory experience: We used a vision mixer to create the illusion of an immersive online user experience, with supporting visuals, films and graphics.
Built-in online reception and welcome area, celebration zones and networking rooms with a bespoke event brand.
Robust and efficient production team with hands-on operational support: Alongside a thorough online UX, we provided the expertise of a full production team with the necessary equipment and technicians. This aspect included;
Staging and lecterns
Comments Screen
PA System and microphones
Audio Cabling and AV Cabling
Projector and on-Screen Content
Comfort Monitor
Cameras and live-streaming
Creative techniques within the budget: These included, printable props for virtual guests during the closing photo call, a pre-engagement hub to download the agenda and view the nominee cards with relevant award information, and a suite of designed visuals, films and graphics to create the look and feel of an award ceremony, for the virtual guests.
Working within strict security and technical guidelines, to create a fit-for-purpose online user experience.
Bespoke technical requirements: the event was held in the newly launched ‘Innovation Bridge’ which required bespoke audio and lighting.
Leadership Teams